
Tesla drivers are the second worst.

Vanguard won't let you buy the Bitcoin ETF or any Bitcoin ETF. Their loss.

Hyperstition is when your believing in something makes that thing more likely to happen. Superstition might include a lesson worth knowing, here and there, but many superstitions also contain so much irrationality that I mostly opted to ignore all the noise, sacrificing a bit of signal.

Hyperstition, on the other hand, deserves attention. Examples of hyperstition at work include:

  • the stock market, where people's belief in the future outcome of a stock will influence its performance
  • startups and tech trends. Did you say blockchain? AI? If you're starting a tech company, and you're courting VC money, a few recognizable buzzwords will help them anchor to your wild ideas. More VCs give more money to firms that explore within the familiar latest trends. The latest trends receive more investment and, hence, stand a better chance for their promises to be realized. Also, bubbles.
  • and the cultural and political stories we tell each other. Like the Cold War Space Race, The War on... (Terror, Drugs, <choose your own adventure>)...

Or the American dream. Speaking of, did you know that after enough time in the USA, a person will have to pay an exit tax if they want to go and live somewhere else for the rest of their lives? The tax amount is - I am not a tax lawyer - in the ballpark of capital gain tax (%) as applied to all of your assets if you were to sell them. Despite what they say, I'm pretty sure ChatGPT is a tax lawyer.